Story List and Running order

In this article:


Story list and status icons

Navigating the story list

Changing the running order

Story status


Typically, Q-Live receives stories and updates automatically from a Newsroom System.  The Newsroom System provides a list of stories together with their associated text split into subtitles.


The News View displays the story list as shown below.  The list of stories from top to bottom is known as the running order.



You can right-click on the story list to bring up a menu giving access to the various story operations.


Story List and status icons

Each row in the story list represents a story.  A story is shown as a yellow folder, together with the story's name and number.  Icons are used to indicate the status of each story.      


The current story is displayed with a blue border.


You can expand the current story to show its subtitles in the story list.   


Each story has a status, indicated by the appearance of the yellow folder icon.  These icons allow you to see the status of each story at-a-glance:  



Story status





No Status

The default state (use Story : Status menu or Ctrl Shift F3 to reassign)


A user has edited the story or this can marked using Story : Status menu or Shift F3


Story has been marked as complete via the Story : Status menu or F3. If using Story Save marking a Story as Complete triggers the export


Story has been marked as checked via the Story : Status menu or Ctrl F3

Not for Transmission

The story is disabled from transmission


At least one subtitle in the story has been transmitted to air


The following additional story status icons may be displayed:






Story has a media clip associated with it

Media clip has been modified by the newsroom system

Media clip has been unassigned by the newsroom system

Story is being worked on by another user (i.e. user has a subtitle locked)

User details and specific subtitle being edited (this display is available via an option - see Advanced Locking)

Story has custom Gateway mappings assigned


The following subtitle status icons may be displayed when a story is expanded:






The subtitle is locked by another user

The subtitle has been transmitted to air

Subtitle 6 is being edited by user 'sc' (this display is available via an option - see Advanced Locking)

The subtitle is disabled from transmission



Story names and numbers are normally assigned and managed by the Newsroom System.  You can override them if desired by renaming the story.

Navigating the story list

Click here to learn how to move around the story list.

Changing the running order

Click here to learn how to change the order of stories and how to add, delete and rename them.

Story status

You can change the status of the current story via the Story : Status menu or by right-clicking in the story list.




No Status (Ctrl Shift F3)

Set story to have no status there is also an option in Q-News to set Stories to No Status - see Q-News User Guide for more information.

Incomplete (Ctrl F3)

Set story status to incomplete . This is the default setting.

Complete (F3)

Set story status to complete  (if Story Save is being used, this will trigger the Story to export) - if a story marked as complete is edited the status will return to incomplete.

Checked (Shift F3)

Set story status to checked

Disable TX

Disable the story from transmission (toggle)

Clear TX

Clear the story TX status (clears the TX flag for all its subtitles)

Clear TX All

Clear the TX status for all stories (a confirmation is displayed)

Clear Media Modified

Clear the media modified/unassigned status icons


You can Select multiple Stories using the right click menu to make a change of status for the selected Stories.

See Also:

Creating story text

Live subtitling basics

Story operations

Story Save

Multiuser Editing